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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Nurse Jobs In Ministry Of Health Kuwait

Short Nurses Vacancy Info
Kuwait is small country grow up of build many sectors. In Minystry Of Health, especialy in Nursing Departement still need more nurses to be placement to many departement and Hospital,if you are nurses have experiences more than 2 years, fluent english wrote and spoke so you are litle understand arabic or even you do not understand arabic you can apply righ now to ministry of health by local exam or through by your agency ,posted your application and start to join with Kuwait Ministry Of Health (MOH)


Many benefits that they offering are including good salary, accommodation, transportation, Health Insurance, annualy leave 1 month up or depend on your balance annual leave in year, Emergency leave till 2 weeks, sick leave depend on your condition or health problem. Salary is attractive starting minimum 250 Kd - 500Kd (825 - 1650 us dollars), depend on your nursing study graduated and experiences, if you are diploma you will get starting 800 - 1000 us dollars, if you are work in clinic, if in Hospital you will be get more extra hospital salary and night shift allowance till 60-100 Kd Kd(198-330 us dollars), but if you graduated from BSN, you will get till 1650 us dollars.
If you want to get deep more information, just visit to MOH KUWAIT

Indonesian Applicants please contact to PT.Binawan Inti Utama, PT. GUNAMANDIRI PARIPURNA,

Nurses Apartment Building In KuwAiT

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What Is Hypertension?

Almost every people ever been got the headache or dizziness, felling of lightheadedness in one their life cyle sometimes we never care but if the condition take place every time, you have to pay attention to check your self. I think you must be consultation with your physician to examine your body. Headache is one out of sign and symptom from High Blood PressureThe following question, guide you to know what is The HYPERTENSION as a below:

What Is High Blood Pressure?
Blood Pressure always given as two numbers, the systolic and diastolic numbers pressures. Both are important.Ussualy they are written one above or before the other, for example,your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. The top or first, numbers is the systolic and the bottom, or second numbers is the diastolic, so you can says that your blood pressure is "120" over "80". Eventhough , the numbers which using to determining Hypertension is diastolic according to WHO regulation that mentioned as a classification into three stage of Hypertension:

  1. Degree 1st is the diastolic of blood pressure was 95-109 mmHg

  2. Degree 2nd is the diastolic of Blood Pressure was 110-119 mmHg

  3. Degree 3th is the diastolic of blood pressure was over than 120 mmHg

What causees high blood pressure?
Many causes of hypertension had known such as:

  1. Age. Related lead of aged of people the blood pressure so increase, this condition take place because the blood vessels become more brittle with age and also are not flexible, wall of blood vessel to become narrow, finnaly heart pump force to be strong that result in HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE .

  2. Are a man over the age of 45 or a woman over the age of 55

  3. Overweight or obese

  4. Family history, if you have family history with Hypertension, it's easily you are develope Hypertension

  5. Face high level stress. In some studies, anger, stress, hostility and other personality traits have been shown to lead to high blood pressure, so pay attention to release any stress, anger, or reduce many problems to become relaxs it will be help you from Hypertension

  6. Eat a diet high in saturated fat

  7. Smoking

  8. Eat a diet high in salt

  9. Drink more than moderate amount of alcohol

  10. Have diabetes mellitus dissease

What is worse complication of Hypertension?
Hypertension could be damage to many body part organ involves brain (Stoke), eyes (Blindess), kidneys( Kidneys Failure), heart ( Congestive Heart Failure), extremitas (plegi) if is not treated well and uncontroled regulary, so take action soon if you have been Hypertension diagnosted establish.

How is your blood pressure treated?
Hypertension treatment is not depend only medicines, the treatment must be comprenhensive including medicines, behaviour, life style. The third programs must be took action to keep your blood pressure always stabil. Several ways to keep and to manage your blood pressure stabil you have to do such a below:
  • Learn how to manage stress

  • Start eating a low-fat and low salt-diet

  • Doing routine exercises such as jogging,light sport,etc

  • Keep your weight nearly normal, or reduce your overweight to be normal

  • Take your medicines as doctor prescribed

  • Checked routine your blood pressure or if feeling severe headache,chestpain,blurred vision, numbness, dizziness

  • Avoid heavy activity to avoid overload your heart pump which will lead your blood pressure

  • If you are smoker, please quite from it, so you,ll more healthy

  • Retrain from drink alcohol or at all

  • Visit to your doctor if you have been performed all that thing above, but still have not been feeling well
  • Sunday, December 10, 2006

    Meaning Of The 1st December Of AIDS Day

    1st December is the day of AIDS day , so what will we do for. We always remember that AIDS case lead every day ,so we must be care and take action for this soon to stop spread of NEW AIDS CASE through by campaign to every body with build save behaviour from AIDS case including avoid FREE SEX, having sex with legal partner through marriage. Why we do like that, because around forty million people are living with HIV throughout the world and that number increases in every region every day.
    What can I do to support World AIDS Day?
    There are so many ways in which you can support to do to stop AIDS spreading with many ways like a following:

    1. Raise awareness of HIV and AIDS in your area, use any safety device when handle patient especialy in hospital area such as nurse, doctor, and any worker related with high risk HIV / AIDS infected

    2. Avoid Free Sex, because Free Sex may cause spreading HIV to each partner who have no HIV previously even though we have protected by condom and any ways, but even we doing like that condom is not have enaugh 100% save from HIV infected

    3. Getting your friends, family, collegues or pupil to express their felling and expand their knowledge about HIV, AIDS impact

    4. Having sex with your marriage legal partner, it's a good and best way to stop spreading AIDS case

    5. Avoid drug abbuse

    6. Lead your religion moral to secure yourself from AIDS and HIV

    The above are good ways to stop spreading AIDS to any body, so take action to campaign to many people if all of people in the worl doing together, I beleive AIDS can be reduce and stop step by step. It's our responsibilities community in the world.