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Monday, August 11, 2008

When Indonesia Nurses Getting salary equal with other country

Indonesia Nurses on August 6,2008 going to Japan and nurses will be pay with salary rate$2000-2500. This is a good news for all people in Indonesia but the question is why so many nurses going abroad? I think is simple answer is Salary. Yeah, salary is still problem especially for nurses in Indonesia, even other reason for example to improve nursing study or even other, but number one is SALARY who many nurses going abroad.

Many nursing graduate imagine to be work in other country such as in Middle east, Europe,Australia,USA,Malaysia,Japan because money, why Indonesia nursing will be pay less than its country even 10 time less for example if you are graduate from diploma III you will be pay at range $90-100, Bachelor of Nursing will be pay $100-200. It is reality so it can not cover your monthly expenses even only for primary necessary than what do you thing?

So that way when there is agency announce many nursing vacancy to be go to abroad so many nurses will be join and come for participant to struggle with other nursing in order to get chance work. It will be attract question when Indonesia nurses will be get salary as much as nursing in own country (Indonesia)? some time nursing who work in hospital getting wage less than minimum wage standard, because nurse is not under ministry of labor that have regulation to determine minimum wage standard, so nurses will be follow depend on hospital host or Health care Provider profit. If the Health care Provider is good finance so nurses will be get good wage, but if the Health Care Provider is bad finance of course nurses will be pay less than Regional Standard Wage.

It will be take concern for government to make standard salary for who Health Care Provider hiring nurses must follow to the life standard, so nurses will be life well and they can giving best service to patiens.