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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Health Insurance

Why We Need Health Insurance?

Live is not always healthy, so we have to keep our healthy against many kind of diseases, but some time even we have protection ourself, we still getting sick. The disability or disease are health problem that we meet unexpected, unpredictable, they can come to us any time, how you will prepare anything to counter your health problem, no everybody ready to pay Hospital charge if the health problem taking place, Therefore we need Health Insurance to cover our healthy in order to protected our body from the illness.
How To Choose Health Insurance?
Before we are decided one Health Insurance that will be cover, we have to understanding about which Health Insurance well, reliable and what it covers. You may ask to insurance representative to explain about what benefit insurance for, and how to claim when customer getting problem, how long time must we reported to company, and many inquiry around Health Insurance. You can also ask to any customer that have been joined with Health Insurance so you can share experience which they have, because several Health Insurance some time is not reliable and have not high credibility, therefore looking Understanding about Health Insurance background is better than choose ones in order to avoid problem in the future.


Sisca said...

Setuju mas, asuransi memang perlu :)

Anonymous said...

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 131/Menkes/SK/II/2004 tentang Sistem Kesehatan Nasional disebutkan bahwa kelak di masa yang akan datang masyarakat dan swasta akan menyelenggarakan sendiri Unit Kesehatan Penduduk strata pertama melalui konsep dokter keluarga tersebut. Puskesmas dalam hal ini tidak lagi menyelenggarakan pelayanan tersebut kecuali di daerah yang sangat terpencil. Hal ini disebabkan karena sudah terlalu banyaknya tugas yang diemban oleh puskesmas. Menurut data tahun 2000 saja menunjukkan bahwa ada 7000 Puskesmas yang melayani 30000 hingga 40000 populasi.
Sehingga untuk saat ini belum diperlukan eksistensi perawat yg dapat praktek mandiri karena perawat itu tidak banyak membantu dlm menurunkan angka kematian akibat penyakit oleh karena orientasi perawat itu bukan ‘penyakit’